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Personal Transformation
Work With Us
Your Personal Transformation

In spite of all your hard work and intentions, do you feel that there is a gap between what you are experiencing in your life, your work, your prosperity, your relationships, your health, and the potential that you know is there for any or all of these areas of your life?

The possibilities you sense are REAL.

So, what’s holding you back from being your very best? From realizing your highest potential? From living a joyful life filled with abundance, peace, and contentment?

However stuck or blocked or off track you are feeling, it is never too late to become who you were meant to be. The second half of life provides the opportunity to truly come to know who you are and create the life you’ve always dreamed of.

YOU are extraordinary. It’s TIME! Time to awaken the deeper possibilities you sense within and time to step into your wholeness.

We are here to support and guide you to live a life fully actualized as the wisewoman you are meant to be.
Through our transformative programs, you will:
  • Learn feminine wisdom principles to break free from inner barriers and blocks that have held you back — and finally step into the larger life, success, and joy that you sense is possible.
  • Do the deep inner work that will allow you to gain the confidence, tools, and wisdom you need to become your best version of yourself.
Customized Coaching
Customized private coaching will support you in navigating the many transitions, challenges, opportunities, and Mysteries of this transformative and empowering time.

My role is to work in partnership with you to help you integrate and dance with it all, as you step into your full power as the WiseWoman.

WiseWoman’s Way Membership

If you are ready to live your purpose, deepen into the feminine wisdom practices, expand your vitality and joy, and embody the essence of the WiseWoman in all areas of your life, in a supportive community sisterhood, then this membership is for you!

Features of this affordable membership include:

  • Private members’ online community
  • Deep discounts on all paid programs
  • Exclusive offers on private coaching sessions
  • Monthly members’ call and coaching call
  • Seasonal Community Spotlight where YOU have the opportunity to offer your gifts and teachings to the group
  • Monthly Dark Moon Ceremony live call
  • Special events for the Equinoxes & Solstices
  • Seasonal retreats, workshops and programs
  • Monthly Masterclasses with special guests
  • A growing library of all classes and call recordings in the members’ portal
  • Locked-in pricing for as long as you stay a member


  • 5 recorded small group sessions, including two 3-day Dark Moon ceremony experiences
  • Guidebook with lunar phases and feminine wisdom practices
  • 2 guided meditation audios

Membership is currently closed and will re-open in late Spring 2023.

Be the first to know when it re-opens.
Walking the Path of the WiseWoman
Becoming Whole through Mystery, Initiation, and Sacred Practice

Join us on a four-week, pre-recorded journey of discovery, initiation, and Mystery to access the WiseWoman you have always been and are always becoming. Learn how to journey as a WiseWoman through a full lunar cycle, embodying the feminine Mysteries and remembering that we have always known how to move through cycles of life, death, and rebirth.

These practices restore balance and equilibrium. They can be embodied and integrated to help you move through the current challenges of daily life and the rapidly changing world with more grace and ease.

The path of the WiseWoman is a journey to know your true Self, become whole, and help heal the wounds of the world.

Are you ready to answer the call?
Notes from our clients
All those things that are on a faraway wish list were brought right back to their rightful place. I now feel a heightened awareness of my need to carve out creative time for myself and I am honouring the changes that Midlife brings…I will refer to the materials and playful exercises over and over and I would take this again in a heartbeat. Lovely meditations!
Interested in customized, one-on-one coaching for personal or professional transformation?
Schedule a no obligation, 15-minute consult call.