Every year on or around the 8th day of the 8th month (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment astrologers call the “Lions Gate.” It is said to be a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms – a kind of gateway or portal between worlds which activates an expansion in consciousness.
2020 has been quite the year so far (understatement!), often feeling like a continually open portal between the world of form and the world of Mystery, a gaping hole between the world we’re leaving behind and the one we’ve yet to co-create.
Despite the obvious challenges and hardships of this year, when looked at from a broader perspective, I feel it has also brought about a necessary expansion in our individual and collective consciousness.
As the year began, there was a lot of anticipation and excitement around the idea of “2020 clear vision.” What unfolded was not what most of us expected, and along the way, many things have seemed far from clear.
And yet, what’s been highlighted for me personally through this liminal time is an increasing potential and capacity to see beyond the veils, to see beneath the surface of what’s happening, and to see between the extremes and polarities to a more nuanced kind of truth that can unite us through our honouring of diversity.
This, I believe, is an important role of the WiseWoman, something that you, and I, are being called to step into like never before.
As we enter the Lion’s Gate this weekend, and move forward through the rest of 2020 and beyond, I encourage you to do what you can to keep the portal open to your highest knowing and your deepest wisdom.
Increase your awareness of the time between sleeping and waking. This is another kind of liminal space when the veils thin and you move between worlds more easily. As you drift off to sleep, allow yourself to empty, inviting Spirit to send important messages during your dream time. Set an intention to remember your dreams, and upon waking, remain in that hazy space a little longer before jumping out of bed, listening gently to any messages that are floating in.
Cultivate or deepen your mystical/spiritual practice. Do you love journaling or automatic writing? Reading spiritual texts? Meditation or shamanic journeying? Now is the perfect time to commit or re-commit to a simple, daily practice, preferably before the busyness of the day.
Spend time in nature. While the weather is still warm (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere), get outside as often as you can, even if it’s just for 5 minutes at a time. Get your (bare) feet on the grass, sand or soil and imagine sending your roots down into mother earth to be nourished. In the evening, look up and notice the moon. Let her speak to you and notice what phase she is in.
Move the energy and make space. As women, we tend to hold old emotions, beliefs, identities and stories in our body (and in particular, our womb space, whether we have a physical or energetic one). With the current intensities bringing up so many emotions and triggers, it’s never been more important to move them through our bodies. Feel the feelings, notice what’s coming up for healing, and only when you’re ready, integrate the wisdom and release the rest. Dance, do yoga, go for a swim, or jog to move the energies through and out. This frees up physical and psychic space to receive new creative insights, connects you to your inner wisdom, and supports you in knowing all the parts of your self more fully.
Take to your art. What forms of creative expression do you love to engage in? This can be your own personal sacred space to process, rant, and release, or something you share to ignite the hearts of others.
Trust in the process and notice what you notice. Your connection to your higher knowing is the one constant, and your source of steadiness, as you ride these deep waves of change and transformation.
“Behind all seen things lies something vaster; everything is but a path, a portal or a window opening on something other than itself.”
– Antoine de Saint-Exupery