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How to Cope in Times of Uncertainty

There’s so much that feels like it’s “not working” right now…Political unrest and divisive elections. Changes in climate and catastrophic weather events. Ongoing wars, corruption, and general de-stabilization—as what is not for the highest intent in our world is exposed, and patriarchal systems and structures break down.

Because we care so much about the suffering in the world, it can feel like too much to bear, and be hard to focus on anything else. But in times like these it’s never been more important to keep your nervous system regulated (which can be more challenging in midlife/menopause, even at the “best” of times), your inner sight well-honed to discern what’s true, and your heart open and holding space for a brighter future.

This is not meant to be a downer. In fact, I’m genuinely excited and inspired about the potential for a better future, a new golden age that serves all sentient beings, with reverence for all of life. AND I recognize we are not there—yet.

So I wanted to offer a few suggestions to help you stay re-Sourced, particularly over the coming weeks and months as things (potentially) intensify:

1. Turn off the news as much as possible.

The 24/7 news cycle will keep you in a lower frequency of worry and fear. It’s OK to step away! It doesn’t mean you don’t care deeply about what’s going on in the world. And you will still find out anything you need to know. Rather than making you uninformed or “out of touch,” taking a break from the news media enables you to focus on getting back in touch with your inner world, which, unlike world events, you can control; with what is true for you; and on doing things which support your well-being (see tip #4).

Keep your own vibration high, and it ripples out to others and the collective. And you’ll be re-Sourced to better respond to situations that arise, including getting involved and taking inspired action where you feel called.

2. Disengage from divisive conversations with family and friends, on social media, and so on.

It can feel productive, even urgent, to share political memes and positions, disagree, criticize, and call out. This is well intentioned because you want to take a stand, or for people to understand your position and what’s “right,” but this only creates more separation, driving people further apart where solutions are impossible, rather than into the heart of what the vast majority of people on “both sides” truly want—peace, freedom, respect, love, happiness, and the end of suffering. (It also creates additional stress in the body, contributing to physical and emotional dis-ease.)

If it’s a conversation with someone you don’t know well (or at all!) on social media, maybe it’s best simply to scroll through without hooking in. It may be more complicated with friends and family. Can you meet them with caring, open-heartedness, and curiosity, and ask them to do the same?

Seeing through the eyes of compassion, nuance, paradox, and the both/and is a skill of the WiseWoman. So is letting go of what (and sometimes who) doesn’t serve you.

3. Hold the vision for what you want to see in the world, without attachment to a specific outcome or date.

I believe the Universe truly works in mysterious ways, and things are not always as they seem. This might mean detaching from judgment of a specific person or event as either “good” or “bad,” and holding a longer term vision for the highest outcome in the best good of all. Not easy, I know, but the capacity for surrendering to the Mystery while envisioning the potential is also the domain of the WiseWoman.

4. Spend as much time as you can in nature and/or inner reflection.

Double or triple down on whatever practices most nourish you. Root into the earth (the actual earth whenever you can, or through the imaginal realm). Connect to your creative passions to express yourself/your Self.

This isn’t selfish—in fact, as more people do this, it helps create the conditions, a vibration or frequency perhaps, for more of what we wish for others (as Ramana Maharshi said, “there are no others”) and the world.


If you’re looking for support to move forward, and a healing space to gather with other like-spirited women in these challenging times, please consider joining me over the next few months for my new signature program (in beta), Awaken the WiseWoman.

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